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Conference Events

At the 2024 AIChE North Central Regional Conference, expect great things! Your stay will be jam-packed with workshops, competitions, social networking, meals, professional networking and growth opportunities, and exciting panels. More information on the events will be added as we near the conference date. We look forward to seeing you there!



Breakfast & Welcome Keynote

Denise Burcham, a Venture Manager at ExxonMobil, is pleased to join us as our Keynote Speaker for breakfast. Learn about her career journey as you grab breakfast at the Ohio Union Performance Hall. 


Workshops & Panels

At the conference, there will be 12 workshop sessions and a Graduate School & Research Panel. Click the button below to explore details about the individual sessions, and if you would like to see a specific session, fill out the interest form!



ChemE Jeopardy

Join a team to play and compete with other rival schools! The Jeopardy game includes questions from ChemE coursework. Winners will get up to a $200 cash prize! Sign up as many teams as you want below (max 4 people per team)! There are 5 spots left for teams.


Social Events & Networking

There will be multiple social events where attendees can meet other students from different schools. Click the button below to find information on each social event.



Career Fair

Make sure to print out a resume! The conference will host a few select companies to recruit for internship and full-time opportunities. Stay tuned for more information!


Student Research Poster Competition

Are you an undergraduate research assistant? Click the link below to view competition rules and to submit an abstract to present your poster at the Student Research Poster Competition! The deadline is March 30th, 2024 at 11:59PM, and winners will get up to a $200 cash prize.



Chem-E-Car Competition

AIChE's annual Chem-E-Car Competition® engages college students in designing and constructing a car powered by a chemical energy source, that will safely run a specific given distance and stop. Watch the competition on Saturday, April 6th!


Dinner Keynote & Awards Banquet

Dan Coombs, who recently retired from LyondellBasell as EVP Global Manufacturing, Projects and Refining, will be sharing his career journey with us during dinner. There will also be an Awards Ceremony to present awards received from competitions!



Student Technical Presentation Competition

Presentations often focus on recent advances in some branch of chemical engineering, original research, or plant design. Click the link below to view the competition rules and to submit a paper! The deadline is March 30th, 2024 at 11:59PM, and winners will get up to a $200 cash prize.

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