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There will be 12 workshops hosted by companies, local organizations, and professors within the region. These workshops will focus on important skills and topics such as diverse study interests, professional development, and fun ideas to implement into your AIChE chapter! Browse details on the exciting workshops being held during the 2024 AIChE North Central Regional Conference below!

Session 1

9:15am - 10:00am


STEM Ambassadors

Matt Mileski | CBEC 110/120

In this workshop, participants will learn about the Ohio State chapter’s STEM Ambassadors program. In this program, we expose elementary school students to fundamentals of STEM through various fun science experiments, including strawberry DNA extraction and forensic chromatography (and you may get to try and experiment yourself!).


Exploring the Biopharmaceutical Industry

Dr. David Wood | CBEC 130

This workshop will spell out the differences between biopharmaceuticals and small molecule synthetic drugs, as well as key aspects of the production of biopharmaceuticals and some case studies.  Key technical and job skills will also be discussed, as well as strategies for preparing for a career in this area.  We will also look at some of the new trends in this field, and what new skills are becoming increasingly important.



Dr. Mandar Kathe & Eva Boeckl | CBEC 169

Toastmasters’ education programs are designed to help you fine-tune your public speaking, communication, and leadership skills through regular practice. This workshop will provide a brief overview of the regular curriculum this organization has to offer.

Session 2

10:15am - 11:00am


The Intersections of Art and Chemical Engineering: Industrialization, Innovation, and Creative Problem-solving

Dr. Harmon | CBEC 110/120

In this workshop, we will explore ways that art and chemical engineering inspire each other and lead to creative solutions. The workshop will include hands-on paint demos. 


Research Panel

Dr. Brunelli | CBEC 169

Interested in getting involved in research and/or going to grad school? This workshop will discuss tips and different paths you can take.


Job Search Tips & Tricks

Engineering Career Services | CBEC 130

Professional development is a skill that all engineers should work to build, as it provides many benefits when searching for jobs or internships. This workshop will go over important skills such as resume building and networking to help engineering students prepare for life after graduation.

Session 3

1:15pm - 2:00pm


How to Build a Great Student Chapter: Part 1

Dr. Liberatore | CBEC 110/120

This two-part workshop will lead participants through exercises to help build a great student chapter of AIChE on their campus. By applying an entrepreneurial mindset, participants will identify characteristics desired in their student chapter and explore their connections as students and leaders.


Tours of Unit Operations Laboratory

Dr. Maxson | CBEC 169

Join us to recieve a tour of our state of the art Unit Operations Laboratory!


Team Management and Leadership Skills

Dr. Kimmel | CBEC 130

In the field of engineering, working in teams is a skill that is used everyday, whether it is in school, lab, or industry. This workshop will overview the important aspects of managing and leading teams in any environment.

Session 4

2:15pm - 3:00pm


How to Build a Great Student Chapter: Part 2

Dr. Liberatore | CBEC 110/120

This two-part workshop will lead participants through exercises to help build a great student chapter of AIChE on their campus. The second part will apply an entrepreneurial mindset by studying value created by a student chapter and its leaders. Finally, each participant will develop and set SMART goals.


Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)

Kenexis | CBEC 169

Hazard and operability studies are important in enhancing safety and efficiency in many industry environments. Participants will learn more about the basics of HAZOP studies through a presentation by engineers from Kenexis.


Stress Less

Dennis Learning Center | CBEC 130

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Each of us deals with it differently. But being able to manage stress and create academic goals will help you build confidence and resilience to handle any of the challenges college throws at you.

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